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A welcome message from Superintendent Sally De Haan

Firstly, I’d like to start by saying how privileged I feel to have been given this opportunity to take up one of the new Supt roles. Trust and confidence in the police in general is low and I want to do my best to work together with the community to help to improve this, and ensure that the community get the policing that they deserve.

Quick bit about me… I have been in the MPS since 1999 having joined directly from University. I have spent my whole career in uniform and primarily in Front Line Emergency Response or Custody based roles, or roles supporting these. I have not worked in a Neighbourhood role previously, but I see this as a good thing as I bring a fresh set of eyes. I am very much a people person and I think that if we work with the community and partners, listening to the needs and wants, we can all work together to improve the standards of policing, lower crime and improve the trust the public have in us.

My hopes for the future of Greenwich are that we have a very much collaborative approach. My commitment is that I want us to listen to the community and partners, and establish what it is that YOU want from the police. I will be open and honest about the resources we have, as well as the priorities of the Met in the way we use those resources, so people can understand our decision making, and I ask that we get the same honesty and openness in return.

I want critical friends; we need to know and accept if we have made mistakes so we can learn from them, and not continue to make the same mistakes over and over.

I want transparent scrutiny; we need to be held to account for what we are doing.

I want collaboration; we can only make Greenwich a safer place by working together.

I look forward to working with you all.



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